Well deserved

Since the 2010 World Cup, I’ve been cheering on Germany, and I just wanted give a huge CONGRATULATIONS to them. What a match! šŸ™‚

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we get faced with many different challenges in this life and how we react to them. We can face the challenge head on and either get defeated or be triumphant OR we can shy away and just never try. And for all my life, i’ve been the ladder. The former being something I only started doing recently and it’s amazing at how much more satisfying it is. Facing a challenge and even if you are defeated, you tried and that’s really what life is about anyway, right? Look at the world cup for instance, people from all over the world are competing for their country, and even though all except one will win, they faced a challenge that even if they lost, will be talked about and analyzed for many years to come. And I truly believe it’s in those losses that we can really maneuver how to achieve a win in the next round.

This rings very true in my running and in my life. Every time I fail or struggleĀ at something, I find that the next time I get up to try again, I try even harder with more attention to my tactic and I achieve my goal even further than I anticipated. And at the end of it, I think the lesson is that we have to fail to win, if you are successful all along with no bumps on the road, then where’s the fun or strive for more? If you fail, the achievement is much sweeter in the long run. A few of my friends asked me how in the world I run in Ramadan, and I got to thinking about it, and I don’t think it’s at all impressive, at the end of the day, i’ve been training for months now, if I didn’t continue in Ramadan, I think it would have set me back by a few weeks. The fact of the matter is that the endurance I built up is allowing me to continue running without a scratch. It hasn’t been easy, and I have to mentally prepare myself before every run, but that’s all part of training.

Two weeks ago, I ran my first 8 miles and it was very difficult for me, and in about an hour i’ll be running my first 10 miles and I haven’t been more excited for a challenge like this in a while. My mindset is that I know I can do it because i’ve been training, I know i’ll hit some bumps andĀ even if I were to run slower than I ever have, it’s so worth it. At the end of the day, the challenge is what keeps me going, the fact that I can try is what motivates me to continue and for that I am grateful.