Defeated but hopeful

Feeling a little defeated today, I tried to run uphill at the Stanford Dish and failed miserably. I’m not sure if it was the sharp incline, the sun beating down, or maybe my body was just not ready. I ran about 1.5miles, and had to give up. I didn’t want to, in fact I tried not to. But my legs were not having it, it felt like I was trying to run in quicksand. It’s kinda making me feel like I took a step backwards especially because I signed up for a hilly half marathon in July. But I have to be hopeful, and try again. I’m gonna take it slow, and train gradually by finding trails with smaller inclines that I can practice on. Hopefully i’ll be able to do it. But hey, if at my half marathon, I have to walk up the inclines, then so be it, at least I tried.

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