Goal Digger

IMG_0600This post is SO overdue, it’s been sitting in draft for too long! After thanksgiving, having ran my third half marathon and completed the 10K Turkey Trot within 5 days of each other (check out my pretty medals 🙂 ), I hit a minor slump. It’s not that my body was exhausted, it’s just how my mind has always operated after a long run/achievement, I take a break. Which is definitely something I need to change, I was feeling a little sluggish but I forced myself to run once or twice. Mostly because i’m training for a marathon, and cannot afford to miss training days.

I happened to be listening to a teacher of mine speak a few days ago and he reminded me that the only way to learn or excel in something is to go out and do it, i.e. no one is going to do it for you. And even though I know this in the back of my mind, it was a really important note for me to hear and be reminded of because of the mental blocks i’ve been having recently. My heart and soul intends to wake up early to go for a run but when I wake up, my mind absolutely shuts the idea of getting out the door. As much as I wish I could achieve my goals by having someone else do them 😛 I obviously have to do them myself, otherwise they wouldn’t be MY goals now would they? So in my mind, after hearing my teacher’s point about achieving goals, I would silently remind myself why I was training for a marathon every day. I keep thinking how it feels to push myself out of my comfort zone, and how using up every ounce of my energy feels. It sounds crazy, but completely exhausting myself on a run is one of the surefire ways to release my stress and just makes me feel good!

It just so happened that two days after I was reminded of goals, I had to run 14mi for my training. All week, I mentally prepared myself, that it was going to be great, and that there’s no reason why I couldn’t do it. Just to make things a little more interesting for myself I changed up the route that I was running. I got up around 7am, started running around 8am. Around mile 5 is when the rain started pouring. For the next 9 miles, it just rained and rained, and some areas it was SO windy that I was basically running in place, LOL. The whole experience was exhilarating. Every time a car passed by me, I thought they must think i’m crazy, I was soaked from my scarf to my socks; I would have thought I was crazy. 😛

Loved this. I already know i'm gonna be feeling all of these simultaneously on race day ;) lol

Loved this. I already know i’m gonna be feeling all of these simultaneously on race day 😉 lol

Since my 14mi run a few weeks ago, I have exceeded 14, and ran 16. My next long run will be 18 and then the longest will be 20 before the big day. I’ve been secretly dreading 2016 to get here because it just meant I was closer to D-Day aka Marathon day. I have so many mixed feelings about my marathon, but i’m praying for success. Even though I have never run 26.2 miles before, after running 16 miles, I somehow was able to envision it. It felt possible to do, it’s going to be so painful but I also know, God Willing, it’s going to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Stay tuned for a post about tips for training for a half marathon!

Progress Report: I’ve set a goal for myself to stay awake after 7am everyday, and so far I have been on track. I’m trying to get myself used to waking up early, so that I can get out of bed and run since i’m awake! 🙂 My resolution for the new year, is to try to run everyday even if it’s as little as a mile.

Song of the week: Glory and Gore by Lorde